l 学术论文 [1] Kuijing Song* & Lei Lv & Shuai Zhu & Fei Liu* & Junrui Luo & Zhenhua Qing & Zhihong Zhong &Zhixiong Zhu & Yucheng Wu. Microstructure and mechanical properties of spark plasma diffusion-bonded 5A06Al joints with Al–20Cu–5Si–2Ni interlayer.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.2021, //doi.org/10.1007/s00170-021-07094-3. [2] K.J. Song*, Z.H. Zhong, K. Fang, J.G. Yang, Analytic temperature field solution of dual laser welding heat sources and application in static recrystallization. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.2017 3, 2-14. [3]Kuijing Song,Yanhong Wei*,Kun Fang,Zhibo Dong,Xiaohong Zhan,Wenjian Zheng,Cellular Automaton-based Study of Factors that Affect Dynamic Solid Phase Transformation Kinetics,Applied Mathematical Modelling.2015,39, 5058-5072. [4] Kuijing Song,Kun Fang,Jianguo Yang,Ran Ma,Xuesong Liu,Jiajie Wang,Hongyuan Fang*,Acceleration of Regeneration Treatment for Nanostructured Bainitic Steel Welding by Static Recrystallisation,Material Science and Technology.2015,31, 835-842. [5] Kuijing Song,Yanhong Wei*,Zhibo Dong,Rui Ma,Xiaohong Zhan,Wenjian Zheng,Kun Fang,Constitutive Model Coupled with Mechanical Effect of Volume Change and Transformation Induced Plasticity during Solid Phase Transformation for TA15 Alloy Welding,Applied Mathematical Modelling.2015 39, 2064-2080. [6] Kuijing Song,Yanhong Wei*,Zhibo Dong,Xiaoying Wang,Wenjian Zheng,Kun Fang,Cellular Automaton Modelling of Diffusion, Mixed and Interface Controlled Phase Transformation,Journal of Phase Equilibria andDiffusion.2015 36, 136-148. [7] Kuijing Song,Zhibo Dong,Kun Fang,Xiaohong Zhan,Yanhong Wei,Cellular Automaton Modelling of Dynamic Recrystallization Microstructure Evolution during Friction Stir Welding of Titanium Alloy,Material Science and Technology.2014 30, 700-711. [8] Kuijing Song,Yanhong Wei*,Zhibo Dong,Rui Ma,Xiaohong Zhan,Wenjian Zheng,Kun Fang,Virtual Front Tracking Cellular Automaton Modelling of Isothermal β to α Phase Transformation with Crystallography Preferred Orientation of TA15 Alloy,Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering.2014 22, 1-18. l 授权专利 [1] 宋奎晶,杜培松,方坤,滕诗雨,李可,李冬梅,一种铝合金微波液冷组件的加工方法,中国,201810518748.9 [2] 宋奎晶,李可,杜培松,方坤,李冬梅,朱帅,钟志宏,朱志雄,一种铝合金液冷组件内部流道显影的扩散焊接方法,中国,201910327116.9 l 教学成果与奖励 2017年第三届全国大学生焊接创新大赛二等奖1次和三等奖1次(第一、二指导老师); 2019年第四届全国大学生焊接创新大赛三等奖2次(第一、二指导老师); 2020年第六届合肥工业大学“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛铜奖(第一指导老师) l 科研获奖 2016年安徽省焊接技术交流大会优秀论文 2019年第十四届华东六省一市焊接年会一等奖论文 2020年第二十四次全国焊接学术会议优秀论文 |